Aromatic Salt Dough Ornaments

It’s the most wonderful time.

We have kept Christmas very simple this year, and that is including our tree decor. Also, after a few months of not using my essential oils much - because of tending to a newborn -, I have enjoyed using them more on a daily basis.

Making these aromatic salt dough ornaments has been a fun way to incorporate a couple of my oils this season.

How to make aromatic salt dough ornaments

1 cup flour
1 cup salt
~ 1/2 cup water
(add a dash more if needed)

Mix everything together. Make a few little holes in the dough and add 2-4 drops essential oils (we did: 1 drop Scotch Pine + 3 drops Sweet Orange essential oil). Then, knead for a moment.

Let the ornaments air dry and harden for about 24 hours.

This recipe makes about 15-20 “normal” cookie cutter size ornaments. We actually ended up doubling the recipe.

While we kept the ornaments simple, using only jute twine and a little bit of glitter glue on some of them, you could also use acrylic paint and get real artsy.


Use a straw to punch little holes in the individual ornaments so that once they have hardened, you can put the string through to hang them.

You can also get a little creative by making hand or foot prints - a nice memory. I still have a few salt dough ornaments from last year.

The boys were having a blast making these while their little sister napped.


A fun activity, making for a simple and peaceful Christmas tree

I have enjoyed making these with my kids this season. Our tree looks so simple but, truthfully, so very peaceful this year. It allows us to remember the real reason for the season while really having “homemade” tree decor that brings a wonderfully light, natural aroma to our living room.

It’s a super fun, inexpensive and memorable (can be messy but is very easy to clean up) way to engage with your kids during the Christmas season.

Truthfully, making these salt dough ornaments has also taken away the stress of potentially having any expensive or meaningful ornaments broken accidentally (you will know what I mean if you are in a season of nurturing little children).

However, this does not make the tree less special - and shows another versatile way essential oils can be used.


From my family to yours: Wishing you a merry, joyful, and peaceful Christmas.

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