4 Things to Beat the "Shorter Day Depression"

It’s lovely to see your face!

We have officially reached November and turned the clocks back. How are you holding up?

It hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday: It’s dark at 5 pm. I wasn’t ready for it - and neither were my three kids (five and under).

As much as I enjoy the fall season; and also winter, with more cozy time spent inside with my family, I am personally prone to heightened anxiety. Shorter days, the different angle of the sun, can often make me feel blah, sluggish, somewhat down. Especially during sunset.

However, these are three very simple but effective things that help me beat the shorter day depression (as I like to call it):

Getting outside in the morning:

I am a fan of our daily walks, but knowing the days are so much shorter now (less sunlight, that is), I am really focusing on getting myself and the kids out for a morning hike or even just a leisurely stroll. Not only does it boost everyone’s mood, it helps our immune system tremendously. We are lucky to live in Southern California, where we get some good sunshine even during this time of the year.

Being Mindful About Taking Supplements:

I like to keep it simple and am not a fan of swallowing all the pills, getting my hands on all the supplements advertised. However, there are a few select ones that I keep on hand for my family especially during the fall and winter months. We take beef liver and also Cod Liver Oil, which is especially great for vitamin D - that literal sunshine hormone. I have noticed that when I stay on top of taking these two supplements, I feel more “myself”.

Intentional Movement:

It’s not always easy to get some movement in with three children, five and under. But even just taking 10 minutes for some stretching helps boost my energy levels. If I get more of an actual little workout in, even better. Or, simply going for another walk in the afternoon helps beat this nagging anxious blah feeling once the sun sets.

Getting Use Out of My Essential Oil Diffusers:

Truthfully, I have not been diffusing much the last few months. The reason being: Our newborn daughter. She is almost six months now (time is flying this third time around) and I am slowly getting the diffusers out again, diffusing essential oils in well-ventilated rooms that are generally considered safe. Many essential oils can help lift the mood and clear the mental fog.

These are a few essential oils I like to diffuse (or simply smell straight from the bottle), to relax the nervous system, help kick that cloudy feeling, and lift the mood:

  • Pine

  • Juniper

  • Cypress

  • Orange (sweet)

  • Bergamot

  • Lavender

  • Frankincense

Bonus: They make our home smell fresh and inviting, giving it a nature-like aroma.


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These are a few easy things to do in order to beat the “shorter day depression” and I am determined to be more mindful about those as the season unfolds. For more happy moments, and a less anxious and foggy mind.

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