Soothing Diaper Balm

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You may be looking for a simple but very effective, and totally pure, diaper balm alternative - that’s why you are probably reading this blog post.

I get it: When I did not know any better, I would use vaseline like baby balm on my firstborn’s tender tush, only to eventually find out that it, simply speaking, isn’t it. Arguably, there are healthier options than petroleum jelly.

There are so many better, natural diaper balms that heal our littles’ tiny bums when diaper rash strikes; plant-based and no artificial ingredients. The simpler, the better, is my motto.

If it also checks the ‘highly effective’ box, you’ve got me signed up.

As mamas, we always strive to find better solutions for our precious little ones. What we put on their skin, as the largest organ, truly matters.

So, one day, I was out of a diaper balm that I had been using for a while. Diaper rash, unfortunately, was in full swing with a teething toddler, so I needed something effective, fast.

I grabbed a few ingredients I had on hand and whipped up this diaper balm. I have been making it several times since then.

Super easy and you can do it at home, too.

How to Make This Simple Diaper Balm

I am holding this recipe very loosely. You may want to add a little more or less beeswax pellets and/or coconut oil, depending on how firm you like the balm. Generally, it softens quickly once it touches the skin. This recipe is very forgiving.

This makes roughly 8 ounces. I suggest using a glass jar to store the finished balm.


3/4 cups shea butter

2-3 tbsp coconut oil

1 tbsp (yellow) beeswax pellets (can leave out; adds more firmness to the balm)


3 Drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

4 Drops Lavender Essential Oil


Over medium heat, soften the beeswax pellets, shea butter and coconut oil in a double boiler. Gently stir.

Take off of stove and let sit for a moment. If you choose to add a few drops of the essential oils, do it then and stir everything once more.

Have your glass jar ready and pour the mixture in. Let cool and harden. That’s it! It’s ready to use.

Good to Know

For reference, I use this balm on my two and a half year, as well as four-month old baby.

This balm is generally very gentle and can even be used on other areas of the body, such as dry elbows, for cracked heels, itchy skin, or to simply moisturize especially during the colder, dryer months.

Benefits of Ingredients

Shea Butter:

Is known to have anti-inflammatory properties, helps retain moisture, and is rich in antioxidants.


Helps protect skin from drying out by locking in moisture and has antibacterial properties.

Coconut Oil:

Is said to have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory actions, to be high in antioxidants and moisturizing.

Tea Tree Essential Oil:

Has been found to have antibacterial properties.

Lavender Essential Oil:

Known to soothe skin and aids in healing minor skin irritations and inflammation.

Let me know in the comments if you end up trying this very forgiving, easy to adjust and make diaper balm recipe.

Also, you may be interested in these kiddo essential oil roller recipes.


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Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice. You are using the information provided on this site or materials and blogs linked from this post at your own risk. The information is never a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis especially when pregnant, nursing, taking specific medication, having a medical condition, or undergoing medical treatment. If you are looking for guidance from a certified aromatherapy practitioner, you are welcome to reach out to me at any time and I will be in touch.